David Suski

David Suski joined MIT as Counsel in the Office of the General Counsel in September 2012. Mr. Suski is the on-site legal advisor for MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory and serves as the Office of General Counsel advisor for legal matters affecting the Lab and its personnel. At Lincoln Laboratory, he focuses on contractual issues arising out of the Lab’s national defense research, with particular focus MIT’s contract with the Department of Defense for the operation of the Laboratory. Additionally, he provides interpretations of federal and state laws and regulations and advises the Lab and its personnel on their applicability and effect in areas such as federal contract compliance, federal data rights, cybersecurity, federal appropriations, and export control compliance matters. Key responsibilities include the drafting of legal documents, contracts, legislative materials, and other correspondence to ensure that the interests of the Laboratory are safeguarded, while also advising MIT and Laboratory management about the legal implications of actions under consideration and providing recommendations where appropriate.
At Lincoln Laboratory, Mr. Suski serves as the Laboratory’s Ethics Officer and leads the Laboratory’s Ethics and Compliance Assurance Office. The Ethics and Compliance Assurance Office is responsible for implementing and administering the MIT Lincoln Laboratory ethics program, and resolving related matters that may arise.
Before joining MIT, Mr. Suski served as Assistant General Counsel with the Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Suski developed significant expertise in the areas of national security law, government contracts, administrative law, government ethics, and congressional affairs. During his time with the U.S. Government he supervised an office totaling several dozen employees and served as the Chairman of the Office of General Counsel’s hiring committee.
Mr. Suski began law practice with the law firm Hale and Dorr LLP, advising drug, biologic, and medical device companies on regulatory matters before the Food and Drug Administration.
Mr. Suski graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law where he was a member of the Virginia Law Review’s Editorial Board, an Articles Editor of the Virginia Journal of International Law, and a Dillard Fellow. Prior to law school, he earned a B.A. and an M.A. from Catholic University.